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Why Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Did you know natural diamonds come with a ​huge markup because of their limited ​supply?

At Luvansh, we use Lab-grown diamonds ​because they are just as dazzling, durable, ​and visually identical to naturally formed ​ones.

Just at a fraction of the cost!

Excellent Quality

Buyer Transparency

Fair Pricing

Your sparkle doesn't have ​to break the bank.

From exclusive deals, to quality products and ​fair pricing, we take every measure possible to ​provide the best shopping experience for our ​customers.

At Luvansh, we use lab grown diamonds ​because they are just as dazzling, durable, ​and visually identical to naturally formed ​ones.

So you can sparkle with ease, knowing we've ​got you covered every step of the way!